Events, Workshops, Women’s Circles

I host regular events, workshops and women’s circles online and in-person. Check out my Instagram and Facebook for new updates and regular postings on upcoming events and workshops.

London Ladies Coaching Club

Join us on Sunday evenings 5-7pm to bring together inspirational and likeminded women. We discuss topics cantered around personal development, socio-economic and psychosocial themes that we find ourselves being exposed to everyday. In an exclusive informal evening of conversation and self-development exercises we gather with a glass of prosecco and create an open and non-judgemental space to share experiences and offer insights into ourselves and the world.

Whether it’s politics, cultural movements, religion, identity, books, or relationships – together we find understanding to navigate life’s external and internal complexities. This is an evening of fun and connection with exercises to inspire you and shift perspectives so you leave inspired to take new steps and new approaches in every day life. Join us for a session of women empowering women in a conscious, collaborative and creative way where change doesn’t have to be scary – it can fun.

Contact for more details if you would like to participate and be a part of women empowering women.
Check out my social media for updates on next sessions.

Workshop on Self Mastery

Join me as we will seek to deepen the relationships with ourselves and consciously transform our perception of the world by looking at our filters and cognitive inferences.

The way we experience life and other people is through our perception - a filter of our core beliefs programmed in our past, that projects onto our present, and predetermines our future. This workshop will help you identify and shift negative belief patterns and behaviours that inhibit you showing up for yourself as your most authentic and secure self. By learning to understand our subconscious mind we can help to free ourselves from repeating self-sabotaging patterns and cycles.

By forming a healthier relationship with our emotions and viewing them as powerful positive messages, we can begin to identify what is going on for us consciously and subconsciously and what needs healing. Through embracing them we can choose to respond positively rather than act out negatively, and take more control showing up more powerfully and intentionally.

This workshop will:

  • ✅ Provide strategies to help you recognise your filters and what you are projecting onto the world.
  • ✅ Create awareness and confidence in your handling of challenges and improve your responses in any environment.
  • ✅ Give you tools and techniques for understanding your emotional self and emotional regulation.
  • ✅ Help empower yourself to better navigate directions, decisions and relationships.
  • ✅ Help nurture and deepen your relationship to self and sense of identity, and how you see yourself in the relation to your environment and other people.
  • ✅ Help you stop running on autopilot and become attuned to your subconscious so you can empower yourself to consciously choose new behaviours, and begin to reprogramme your subconscious mind to find more fulfilment in life.

Unless we stop deepening our wounds subconsciously, we continue to self-sabotage and create environments that simply repeat old patterns and cycles - until we bring awareness to change them consciously.


For Businesses:

I employ 3 different packages to suit your needs and that of employees. Aftercare is a crucial framework for newly appointed candidates to ensure they have the right support to start confidently and continue thriving. I offer 1:1 coaching for candidates placed during their probation period as well as look to support the organisations employees themselves. Resilience, diligence, motivation and charisma are essential elements that we want to foster in working environments. Teamwork, managing stress when hitting targets, and keeping motivation up is consistently required to continue performing at everyone’s best, sustainably. I offer various engagement with colleagues at different levels to ensure your needs are supported first.

Fee structures:

Bronze Package: 1: 1 Aftercare Coaching Package for newly employed candidates remotely.
– their time, their development, their success
Silver Package: 1:1 Aftercare Coaching Package for newly employed candidates remotely or in-person.
Workshops for employees focusing on making key skills effortless and sustainable. Remotely or in-person.
– the stronger in the individual the stronger the team.
Gold Package: 1:1 Aftercare Coaching Package for newly employed candidates remotely or in-person.
Workshops for employees focusing on making key skills effortless and sustainable
Group coaching programmes to empower recruiters in performance driven skills.
– Better self-management for better performance in all areas.
1:1 coaching for senior management and senior executives.
– lead by example

For Businesses:

During the initial consultation we will discuss bespoke programme fees based on your requirements. Depending on what programme we create will dictate the level of investment required. All programmes are unique and designed to help you achieve your fullest potential, growth, and goals.

Programmes typically range from 3 to 12 months with fortnightly sessions either via Skype or face to face. For the duration of the programme, I will be in your life for full support between sessions.