Building growth together

I am an NLP practitioner and accredited empowerment and transformation coach working with professionals to build and empower the next generation of leaders and thinkers.

What to expect

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1 - An initial consultation – we will develop a unique and tailored personal coaching plan.

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2 – We will set attainable and achievable goals to see your progress as you strive for change.

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3 – I will set self-mastery homework for you, and action plans to propel you forwards. Each session I will hold you accountable whilst you discover new tools to create lasting change. It begins with a choice.

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4 – Receive continued support for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months

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5 – Watch as you your circumstances shift and progress to reflect your inner change and development

  • Aspire

    No goal or dream is unreachable, and I will guide you and hold you accountable to be more assertive, present, aware, and balanced.

    I will help you excel in your strengths, determination and mindset enabling you to exceed in every aspect of your life.

    Including redefining your potential, moving beyond what is holding you back and fulfilling your capabilities and success.

  • Accelerate

    When you shift your internal you will watch as you manifest change in your external effortlessly.

    You will see RESULTS and achieve the desired effects in all areas of your career, relationships, energy, social and spiritual lives with greater self-awareness, calmness and success.

    We will set goals and targets with a renewed sense of liberation, motivation and zest for life.

  • Accomplish

    We will work together to gain the true understanding and clarity needed to overcome any obstacle or limiting belief that holds you back from allowing yourself to be the most organic and authentic version of you – every day.

    We will focus on building tools and resilience strategies to achieve your goals and performance related practices - not for the short term, but true, life-long transformational change.

Areas we can work on together

  • Communication Skills
  • Performance
  • Balance
  • Happiness and fulfilment
  • Purpose
  • Confidence
  • Self-love
  • Transcending limiting / fear-based beliefs
  • Presence
  • Realising your true potential
  • Life goals
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Re-settlement coaching
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Public speaking
  • Human rights coaching
  • Deepen your Spiritual Practice
  • Direction
  • Career
  • Work / life balance
  • Procrastination
  • Resilience
  • Inspiring future leaders and next generations
  • Deliver more engaging speeches
  • Dating and Relationships
  • Emotional mastery
  • Motivation

Formula for happiness and success

We can wield our external environments far greater when we know the methods and internal tools to use. Success is the measure of fulfilment, which is the journey of reaching self-actualisation and your potential. Success and security through our careers, relationships, and financial stability are the by-products of how cemented we are in knowing ourselves.

My Definitions

Balance – A celebration of our polarities and emotional regulation. The harmonising of our internal and external experiences. – Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.

Perspective – The self-awareness to unpick your filters and reprogramme your subconscious brain when it is no longer serving you. What is driving you? “If you change the way you look at things, the things you’re looking at change.”

Self-Understanding – The more you know yourself the more you find true acceptance and break through from what is holding you back. Self-compassion is what enables us to connect and build resilience. - Self-love is not an easy job. But it’s worthwhile.

For Businesses

I understand a business is made up of a collective of individuals. Working together and inspiring each other to become one body and one mind.

  • I offer group coaching and individual coaching packages to support newly appointed employees through their probationary period.
  • Through working with me candidates can achieve better confidence and integration into their new role as well as psychosocial and wellbeing support as they start the toughest performance-monitored period.
  • Employers can benefit from having their new employees receiving maximum support and after-care to ensure they thrive in their role with the confidence, and improvement of skills to really impress in their first 6 months, increasing the chance of completing their probationary period with even more enthusiasm, motivation, and dedication.
  • Choose from 3 packages of BRONZE, SILVER, and GOLD to decide your level of commitment and support for your organisation. Recruitment companies can hope to benefit from improved performance rates, improved KPI’s, more motivation at work and higher outcomes. More motivated, confident candidates as well as life coaching for recruiters themselves.
  • 1:1 coaching support for 3 months, 6 months or a year
  • Group coaching for candidates and recruiters
  • Workshops and Seminars

Gain deep clarity and renewed inspiration